Monday, April 24, 2006

Fog day

This is my third spring in Indiana, and I am still getting used to some things. For example, in Minnesota we had school canceled or delayed because of snow or excessive cold (wind chill colder than 50 degrees below zero F), but that was about it.

Well, here they delay school because of fog. The first time I heard that, I laughed. Then I went out and tried to ride my bike in it. Talk about zero visibility! It was scary, the cars couldn't see me until they were almost on top of me. I didn't do that again.

Today was a "fog day" and the visibility at 7:30 AM was about 50 feet, not a good thing for school buses. By about 9 it was all burned off and now it is clear and beautiful. Now you know :)


  1. JPS please visit this blog site.
    then click user at the top and type: sisoffu
    then email me so i can say hi (i don't have y'alls email addy)

    Ky Cuz

    I love loved checking out your site.

  2. James,

    When I lived in Alaska they had white outs that left you with about 10 feet visibility.
