Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Quote for the day

"Bury yourself in a lexicon and arise in the presence of God."—Sir Edwyn Hoskyns


  1. I never knew lexicons were so deadly.


  2. May I inquire where you found this quote? Do you have more specific citation information? I would love to tract it down.

    Thank you.

  3. Wow. I can't remember anymore; that was over 3 years ago! But, I believe it was at the chapter heading of a first year grammar book, but I could be wrong.

    Sorry! But a quick Google search brings this up:

    The dubious were reassured that God's presence is everywhere and that the ...... when you're home for the holidays, you can light it yourself: if we use it now ...... "Can we bury ourselves in a lexicon," he continued, "and arise in the ...... 1, Hoskyns Edwin, Cambridge Sermons, quoted in Ramsey A. M. The Glory of ...

  4. Thanks for the quick reply . . . my search lead me to Hoskyns' Cambridge Sermons from 1938 repeatedly. I guess it was originally in the form of a question, at least in print.

    My Greek prof., Peter Gentry, quotes it often, as you state it, in class.

    Thanks again.
