Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mega versus Organic

Wow! David Fitch is at it again over at Out of Ur. He is taking on the mega-church, claiming that it is more difficult to pastor a church of 100 than one of 1000+. I think he's correct.

It is more difficult to take 10 people and grow a body of Christ to 150 than it is to transplant 200 or 300 people and then grow that congregation to 5,000. A crowd draws a crowd. From day one if you have all the bells and whistles, 5 full time pastors, a youth program, and a charismatic speaker with spiked hair (a shot not aimed at anyone in particular) and you don't mind putting the smaller community churches out of business, it will be harder to stop attracting a big crowd...

It is more difficult to preach a sermon to 100 people than to 8,000 people. Of course, there are some of my emerging co-laborers who don't believe in preaching per se. I believe in proclamation of the new reality, the calling of truth into being, and my thoughts on expository preaching are already out there. My point here is that preaching to 100 people you actually know and live with is a lot harder than preaching to 8000 people, 99% of whom you don't know. It is not that it is harder to be vulnerable in a larger crowd. It is that in a space of 100 people you are more vulnerable when so many know you. You are naked.

That's just an excerpt. I'm sure he's going to get burned in the comments, but that doesn't mean he's wrong!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if we should then have the mega church pastors give up their mega church salary for a small church salary and the mega churches should give their excess resources to small churches to give their pastors a mega church salary ;)
