Thursday, June 14, 2007

ATLA day 1

Well, I knew I was forgetting something! I forgot the cable for the camera, so unless I can find someone with one, there won't be any pictures until Monday. Sorry about that, I know you were holding your breath :)

Here's a quick rundown of what's happened so far...

I left Fort Wayne yesterday at about 1:45 PM, got to Cleveland in time to walk quickly to another concourse, board the plane with about 10 minutes to spare, only to sit for 90 minutes on the runway. Apparently there was a problem with wind shear at Philadelphia, preventing landings. So, I got to the hotel around 8:00 PM, which was fine, since nothing could be set up until today anyway.

The Doubletree is a very nice hotel, with a full exercise room, all Precor equipment. They only have one recumbent cycle, so I got there right away at 6:00 AM to make sure I got it. The nice thing about being a cyclist is that most people aren't—most people go for the ellipticals and treadmills.

Setup started at 7:30 and since I only have a table, it didn't take long. I really like ATLA; for one thing, they treat the exhibitors well. Tim and company make you feel like you matter and even make sure that there is food for you. Usually it is bagels, fresh fruit and muffins, and this year was no exception. Strawberries and fresh cut pineapple tasted very good, and the tea water didn't have that coffee taste that often happens when they use the same dispensers for tea and coffee—you tea drinkers know what I mean.

Well, I need to get back into the hall, so hopefully I will find a cable and post some pictures later.

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