Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A few good posts

The marines may be looking for a few good men (does that date me?), but I have found more than a few good posts from last week:

Ted Gossard has been reading Bonhoeffer, which can be a faith stretching and convicting exercise. See his posts here and here.

Jim Martin had a nice little series of thoughts on the lies we tell ourselves with follow-up posts here and here.

While over at Vintage Faith, Dan Kimball reflects on the misuse of the scriptural statement that we will be hated on account of Christ.

And Kevin Edgecomb has started what looks to be a long and interesting series of translations from the Psalms; two translations per Psalm, one literal/formal and one more informal/dynamic.

Finally, the ever prolific Alan Knox did a series on Five things I dig about Jesus. While the title is a bit unusual, the five things he chooses to blog about are very good (he explains the title in the first post).
1. Jesus is the Great High Priest
2. Jesus is the Great Shepherd (Senior Pastor)
3. Jesus demonstrates God's love even towards those who reject him
4. Jesus cares more about people than rituals
5. Jesus abides with me and I can abide with him There is a follow up post to this one here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks JPS. Reading Bonhoeffer as someone said is like putting a straw on a fire hydrant.
