Friday, November 21, 2008

SBL days -1 and 0

Day minus one is travel day—that was yesterday, Thursday. We left at a little after 9:00, drove to O'Hare, flew to Cleveland, waited an hour and flew to Boston. Total transit time: 9 hours. Total time in the air: 2.5 hours. Total drive time:4 hours. The rest was time in the airports.

They have put all the exhibitors up in the Colonnade Hotel. We are on the 8th floor, and the view is wonderful: I see right into a Barnes and Noble! What better view could a bibliophile want? I spent about 2 hours there last night.

The hotel is nice, but the drawers in the dresser are unusable. They are about 1/2 the normal size. Take a look:

OK, maybe the picture doesn't show it very clearly.

Anyway, today we did the setup thing. It went very smoothly, despite a slight glitch at the beginning: they forgot to put carpet in the booth! Yikes! And, they mixed our skids of stuff with the Zondervan stuff. We had a good time straightening it out, until the convention center people decided it was their job to sort it out. From there, it went well.

Here are some pictures for your pleasure:

No carpeting!

What are we going to do with all those tables?

Too many books! Look at all those new releases; so many the table is sagging:

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