Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Augustine

“Deification does not occur in the isolated peace of the quiet, contemplative life, or in the seclusion of retreat, but rather it beings in the 'craftsman's furnace' (fornax artificis), in this 'world full of scandals, iniquities, corruption, oppression' (Dolbeau 6:12). He tells his flock that they find themselves in the age of the 'oil press' and the screws are being tightened so as to separate the oil from the dregs (6.15). He speaks not to the spiritual elite who have chosen Mary's 'better part,' but instead to many Martha's who cannot but help find themselves engaged in worldly toil.”—Theosis, page 128

<idle musing>
I like that word picture. Very appropriate for today. And the same Holy Spirit presence that empowered people back then is still available to us today.
</idle musing>

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