Monday, January 11, 2010

The "new" in new covenant

“ the “new covenant” passage of Jer 31, YHWH promises to “forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more” (v. 34). The point of remembering no more is not that God needs to develop a self-induced state of amnesia so that he will not be tempted to resurrect wrongs that he has already forgiven. Rather, this is an anthropomorphic expression of the concept that God will do something that goes beyond his initial grant of forgiveness: he will make sin irrevocably irrelevant to the future of the relationship, just as a grievance between two human beings loses its potential for revival if it is forgotten.”—Cult and Character, page 318

<idle musing>
I like that. And it's even good theology :)
</idle musing>

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