Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And the initiative belongs to...

“In each prophetic collection the ultimate hope is shifted from human response to a divine gracious and transformative initiative. It is Ephraim in Jer 31:18–19 who voices this in his cry for God to cause him to return. The prophet shows how God will do this in the latter part of Jeremiah as he speaks of the unilateral gracious initiative of Yahweh to forgive his people (24:6; 31:34; 32:37–38, 41–44) and give them a new heart on which will be written the law (24:7, 31:33, 32:39–40). Whereas Ezekiel talked about repentance in 18:30–32 as making for oneself a new heart and spirit, Ezek 11:19, 36:26–27, 37:14, and 39:26 make clear God’s promise that he would forgive them and give them a new heart and new spirit. While this shift is most evident in Jeremiah and Ezekiel it can also be discerned in the other collections.”—A Severe Mercy, page 355

<idle musing>
Amazing, isn't it? It makes one want to fall down and worship God for his amazing love, grace, and mercy toward us.
</idle musing>

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