Sunday, February 04, 2024

Who or what is forming you?

On Center for Action and Contemplation blog, there's snippet from a 2008 book, revised in 2022:
If we’re honest, culture forms us much more than the gospel. It seems we have kept the basic storyline of human history in place rather than allow the gospel to reframe and redirect the story. Except for those who have experienced grace at their core, Christianity has not created a new story, “a new mind” (Romans 12:2), or a “new self” (Ephesians 4:24). The old and tired win/lose scenarios seem to be in our cultural hard drive. The experience of grace at the core of reality is much more imaginative and installs new win/win programs in our psyche, but has been neglected and unrecognized by most of Christianity.—Richard Rohr, in Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality, 172
Sadly, too true…

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