Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tozer for Tuesday

If it is true that that is what happens when the Word comes in power—and the text opens the doors to the belief that the Word can come nominally and without power—then exactly the opposite would be true. Without Holy Spirit power, they would become Christians by some decision, but without much assurance, and would not be followers of the Lord, except in name. When affliction came, they would not take it very well, and they would not have very much joy; they would have to work it up—it would not stay long. And they would not be very good examples; they would be lukewarm when it came to the missionary zeal.—A.W. Tozer, Reclaiming Christianity, 92

<idle musing>
Boy, does he ever describe the state of the US church! The word came without power and the "converts" are without power...
</idle musing>

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