Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Creator of the Stars of Night

78 Creator of the Stars of Night

1 Creator of the stars of night,
   Thy people’s everlasting light,
   O Christ, Thou Saviour of us all,
   We pray Thee, hear us when we call.

2 At the great name of Jesus, now
   All knees must bend, all hearts must bow;
   And things celestial Thee shall own,
   And things terrestrial, Lord alone.

3 Come in thy holy might, we pray;
   redeem us for eternal day,
   From every power of darkness when
   Thou judgest all the sons of men.

4 To God the Father, God the Son,
   And God the Spirit, Three in One,
   Laud, honour, might, and glory be
   From age to age eternally.
                         Anonymous, Latin 9th century
                         Adapt. from John M. Neale
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
What a mess this hymn is! It only occurs in a little over 200 hymnals, but I don't think any two agree on the wording! If you want to see all the variations, I suggest you head on over to Hymnary.org and use the compare texts option.
</idle musing>

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