Tuesday, July 02, 2024

O How Glorious, Full of Wonder

41 O How Glorious, Full of Wonder

1. O how glorious, full of wonder
   Is thy name o’er all the earth;
   Thou who wrought creation’s splendor,
   Bringing suns and stars to birth!
   Rapt in reverence we adore thee,
   Marveling at thy mystic ways,
   Humbly now we bow before thee,
   Lifting up our hearts in praise.

2. When we see they lights of heaven,
   Moon and stars, thy power displayed,
   What is man that thou shouldst love him,
   Creature that thy hand hath made?
   Child of earth, yet full of yearning,
   Mixture strange of good and ill,
   From thy ways so often turning,
   Yet thy love doth seek him still.

3. Thou hast given man dominion
   O’er the wonders of thy hand,
   Made him fly with eagle pinion,
   Master over sea and land,
   Soaring spire and ruined city,
   These our hopes and failures show,
   Teach us more of human pity,
   That we in thine image grow.

4. O how wondrous, O how glorious
   Is thy name in every land!
   Thou whose purpose moves before us
   Toward the goal that thou hast planned.
   ‘Tis thy will our hearts are seeking,
   Conscious of our human need.
   Spirit in our spirit speaking,
   Make us sons of God indeed!
                         Curtis Beach
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
The story behind this hymn is interesting. Read it here.
</idle musing>

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