Thursday, August 22, 2024

Monergism? Synergism?

[N]either monergism nor the synergism of independent actors will do justice to his varying expressions. Despite the (understandable) concerns of some of his interpreters, Paul does not seem anxious to preface every reference to believer-agency with mention of its prior grounding in grace. There is no doubt that “life in Christ” is sourced and constituted in the Christ-event, but the believer is thereby created, not diminished, as an actor. Paul’s language requires us to banish “zero-sum” calculations of agency (the more God, the less the human), it seems better to speak of a pattern of “energism” in Pauline agency. His paraenesis points simultaneously to divine- and believer—agency, as the expression and realization of the good news.”—J. M. G. Barclay, Paul and the Gift, 442

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