Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Quantity vs. Quality

Quality is the strongest foe of every kind of leveling of society. Socially this means abandoning the pursuit of position, breaking with the star cult, an opening out upward and downward particularly in connection with the choice of one’s friends, a delight in private life and courage for public life. Culturally the experience of quality signals a return from the newspaper and radio to the book, from haste to leisure and stillness, from distraction to composure, from the sensational to reflection, from idealized virtuosity to art, from snobbery to modesty, from extravagance to moderation. Quantities compete for space; qualities complement one another.—Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in After Ten Years, 27

<idle musing>
He could be writing that today, couldn't he?

That's the final quotation from that short little book. I highly encourage you to read the whole thing; it's only about 34 pages long, including the introduction. But it's a high-charged 34 pages!
</idle musing>

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