Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Savior, Thy Dying Love

177 Savior, Thy Dying Love

1 Savior, Thy dying love
   Thou gavest me,
   Nor should I aught withhold,
   Dear Lord, from Thee;
   In love my soul would bow,
   My heart fulfill its vow,
   Some offering bring Thee now,
   Something for Thee.

2 At the blest mercy seat,
   Pleading for me,
   My feeble faith looks up,
   Jesus, to Thee;
   Help me the cross to bear,
   Thy wondrous love declare,
   Some song to raise, or prayer,
   Something for Thee.

3 Give me a faithful heart,
   Likeness to Thee,
   That each departing day
   Henceforth may see
   Some work of love begun,
   Some deed of kindness done,
   Some wanderer sought and won,
   Something for Thee.

4 All that I am and have,
   Thy gifts so free,
   In joy, in grief, through life,
   Dear Lord, for Thee!
   And when Thy face I see,
   My ransomed soul shall be,
   Through all eternity,
   Something for Thee.
                         Sylvanus D. Phelps
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

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