Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tozer for Tuesday

In the great campaigns of a former generation, it ["accept Jesus"] became the catchword for evangelicalism, fundamentalism, full gospelism and world missions. It contained a mighty truth that has long since died, but the word stays on. It stays on the theological spectrum and is producing a generation of Christians, or so-called Christians, that are impenitent in their hearts, frivolous in their spirits and worldly in their conduct. Telling people who come to us to be converted, “Accept Jesus,” and so they say, “All right, I’ll accept Jesus.” So they accept Jesus and that is about all there is to it. There is no transformation and no impenitent root of their being that is ever cured. There is pride that has never been crucified, a worldliness they have never been able to deal with and a frivolity of spirit that is beyond description. There is a whole generation running around today that are the victims of this dead theological word “accept.”—A.W. Tozer, Reclaiming Christianity, 161–62

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