Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New books?

I walked into the warehouse this afternoon on my way to lunch. This is part of my normal procedure; I like to see if there is anything new. My eyes caught sight of two mailbags; this could be interesting. The address tag said Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft on it. My heart quickened in excitement as I grabbed a blade to cut the ropes holding it shut. Could this be it? Of course they had to put about 8 plastic bands around the box! I cut through those quickly; sliced the tape open...they double boxed it! Oh well, I cut the tape on the second box; yanked the box open; pulled off the packing material—only to discover it was just a reorder!

But, there was another mailbag, also from the DBG. Quickly, I repeated the procedure, missing the packing list in my haste. Sure enough, it had the familiar graphic of the BHQ fascicles! Could this be it, the long awaited and highly anticipated Deuteronomy? Wow, it sure is thin! Oh no! It is just a reorder of Ezra-Nehemiah.

The whole time, Jessica (remember Jessica, the warehouse employee?) was looking at me, wondering what in the world could be this important. She innocently asked, "Did you find what you wanted?" Talk about anti-climactic!

I went to lunch and hoped for more mailbag deliveries on Thursday.

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