Monday, July 02, 2007

Of decks and mildew

Over the weekend, I pressure-washed the deck at Debbie's parents' place. I don't believe it had ever been done before; the mildew was so thick it was black instead of green. They were gone for a week, visiting in Wisconsin, so we wanted to have it done before they got back.

Wow! You wouldn't believe it was the same deck. It now looks like it was built last month; I can't wait to see what it looks like once it is sealed. But, the clean deck came at a cost—no, not financial. I wore a tank top, knowing that it would be hot and wet work. I am in the sun enough on my bike that I figured I wouldn't burn. What I forgot is that the back of my neck is always covered because I am looking up on my bike. Well, the back of my neck burned royally. It hurts, even today, two days later.

But, I still think it was worth it. I was worried that the mildew would get slippery when it was wet and they might fall. That would not be a good thing, since they are in their upper seventies.

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