Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Laying the ground work

The frequent appearance of dəmût in the descriptions of Ezekiel’s visions demonstrates that the prophet is struggling to describe what he sees. He uses the term to relate the unfamiliar to the familiar, to put into language that which defies description. He did not see a human but something like a human. He did not see a throne, but something resembling a throne. What Ezekiel observed corresponded to and resembled things that were familiar to him, but the referents themselves were foreign. Thus, dəmût refers to correspondence and likeness, but it does not seem to indicate a copy or a facsimile, as can ṣelem.—The "Image of God" in the Garden of Eden, page 125

<idle musing>
She's just laying the ground work here for some serious theology. Have a bit of patience : )
</idle musing>

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