Thursday, January 23, 2020

An new book

Well, maybe not so new in the sense of just published, but new in the sense that I'm just getting around to reading it. John Walton has been doing a series for IVP Academic on the "Lost Worlds" of the Old Testament, especially the Torah/Pentateuch. I read the first one quite a few years back and last year decided I'd read the rest of them. So, let's start near the beginning with Adam and Eve:
The fact that some wield science as a weapon against faith is no reason to think that science or scientists are the problem. The philosophy of naturalism is the problem. After all, the same people who use science as a weapon would be just as inclined to use the Bible as a weapon against those who take it as the Word of God. Our response should be simply to try to explain the Bible better and to make it clear to the abusers how they are viewing it wrongly. We can do the same with science.—The Lost World of Adam and Eve, p. 13
<idle musing>
We'll see how this works out. In his book on Genesis 1, he did a good job (both the IVP one and the Eisenbrauns one, but in his book on inerrancy (with Brent Sandy), it seemed he was working himself into contortions to save a bad doctrine. I have a lot of respect for John; he definitely knows his stuff and knows how to communicate it well, so I'm hopeful. Join me as we wander through this lost world.
</idle musing>

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