Sunday, July 21, 2024

O Guide to Every Child

84 O Guide to Every Child

1 O Guide to every child of thine,
   To untamed colt, the bridle
   To bird in flight, controlling wing,
   To periled sailor, rudder,
   We'll follow thee, a King's own flock,
   And praise in all simplicity
   The guiding Christ, our shepherd.

2 Thou manpursuing Fisherman,
   Who harmest not but savest,
   Draw thy protecting net around
   The catch of thine apostles.
   From sordid waves of worldly sea
   Preserve us, Lord, for life, thy gift
   To those whom thou dost capture.

3 Thou givest us that food unseen
   The world knows not nor treasures;
   Give milk or bread or solid food
   As fits my understanding.
   So thank we all the mighty Child
   Through whom we know thee, God of peace,
   And call thee heavenly Father.
                         Clement of Alexandria
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
According to, this hymn only occurs in two hymnals—both of them United Methodist. It's one of two hymns by Clement in this hymnal. I blogged about the other one a few years ago.

By the way, I'm finding that about 2/3–3/4 of the hymns in this hymnal I've already blogged from the 1939 version, which is why there are gaps in the postings.
</idle musing>

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