Tuesday, October 30, 2007


<idle musing>
I have been reading in the gospel according to Matthew lately. One thing that really hit me this morning was the thirsting after a miracle, not as a blessing, but as a seal of approval. Consider this in chapters 14 & 15, Jesus feeds 5000 people, throws a demon out of a Canaanite woman’s daughter, and feeds the 4000—I suppose I should also include walking on water, but that was more between him and his disciples.

After all this, what does chapter 16 start with? A round of applause? Hardly. The Pharisees and Sadducees hit him up for a miracle! A sign! Before you turn your nose up and sniff at the hardness of “those people,” consider yourself. How often has God done a wondrous thing in your life, only to have you thank him by doing your own thing; turn your back on Him and walk away? OK, maybe I’m the only one, but I doubt it.

Aside from the abiding presence of God via the Holy Spirit, that is exactly what all of us do—continually! The older I become, the more convinced I am of the truth of total depravity—and free grace! Grace abounding, freely flowing, surrounding and lifting us, if we will but allow it, delivering us from the necessity of a continual reminder via a miracle or sign. Renewing us daily in the image of God, sending us forth as a light in a darkened place.

All I can say is, “Wow! What a savior!”
</idle musing>


Jonathan Erdman said...

Idle Musing: The older I become, the more convinced I am of the truth of total depravity

That sounds kind of Calvinistic....I thought you were of Wesley and Pelagius????

jps said...


Stop pulling my chain :) You know that Wesleyanism and Pelagianism are not the same! Wesleyanism, at least classic Wesleyanism (and Arminianism) believe in total depravity and free grace, not free will. The dividing line between Calvinist thought and Arminian thought is in the other 4 points of Calvinism, not the first one.
