Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a waste

I've been a bit busy of late, creating the new Biblical Studies Resource catalog. The titles need to be chosen before we leave for Ryan's wedding next Wednesday. And, I've been trying to get all the outside stuff done at home before we leave. Both of those together limit my reading and writing time significantly.

All of that to say, this list is about a week old now, but still very good. He lists 45 ways to waste your time in seminary. I would add that some/most of them are good ways to waste your life in general, not just a seminary education. Here's a selection:

4. Nurture an attitude of superiority, competition, and condesension toward fellow seminary students. Secrectly speak ill of them with friends and with your spouse.

6. Neglect personal worship, Bible reading and prayer.

8. Practice misquoting and misrepresenting positions and ideas you don’t agree with. Be lazy and don’t attempt to understand opposing views; instead, nurse your prejudices and exalt your opinions by superficial reading and listening.

9. Give your opinion as often as possible - especially in class. Ask questions that show off your knowledge instead of questions that demonstrate a genuine inquiry.

12. Fill your life with questionable movies, television, internet, and music.

13. Set aside fellowship and accountability with fellow brothers in Christ.

14. Let your study of divine things become dull, boring, lifeless, and mundane.

15. Chip away at your integrity by signing your school’s covenant and then breaking it under the delusion that, “Those rules are legalistic anyway.”

16. Don’t read to learn; read only to refute what you believe is wrong.

17. Convince yourself that you already know all this stuff.

32. Gain knowledge in order to merely teach others. Don’t expend the effort it takes to deal with your own heart.

35. Comfort yourself with the delusion that you will start seriously dealing with sin as soon as you become a pastor; right now it’s not really that big a deal.

41. Love books and theology and ministry more than the Lord Jesus Christ.

45. Don’t really try to learn the languages - let Bible Works do all the work for you.

<idle musing>
Read the whole thing, some good insights there, especially number 41! Now, back to the catalog, which will go out to those who just might be victims of number 41.
</idle musing>

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