Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The four types of church-goers

The church of Christ includes at least four classes. There is the average church person who comes all the time but never is converted. They come and seem to enjoy it and have friends among the Christian people, but they themselves have never passed from death unto life. That is one class.

There is another class, those who are trained to be Christians but are not. They appear as Christians because they have learned the language and are able to perform certain things, giving every- body the impression that they are in fact Christians. Usually, you find them in charge of all of the activities of the local church.

Then there are true Christians, but they are carnal. They have never developed into a mature, functioning Christian. They are where they were when they were saved. Thankfully, there are also those who are true Christians and are spiritual. Unfortunately, this seems to be the minority in most churches.—A.W. Tozer, Reclaiming Christianity, 120

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