Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Robin Parry has an interesting idea today when engaging in discussion with someone who disagrees with you:

The person who has an objection to your beliefs (your theology or to Christian faith itself) is a human being in God's image. God loves them and values them. They deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. They are not stupid. Their motives may be good (in part, at least). Their objection may have merit and it certainly deserves to be taken seriously. Even if sin is involved in the objection and in their inclination to hold it, let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone.

<idle musing>
Hmmm...treat people like humans? What a novel idea! Act like a Christian in daily life and not just on Sunday morning? Unheard of! The next thing you know people might actually be attracted to Christianity!
</idle musing>

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