Friday, February 14, 2020

It's a home, not just a house

This concept of sacred space carries across to Genesis 2. In Genesis 1, we find an account of how God had created sacred space to function on behalf of humans. It does not say where sacred space is centered, only that God has ordered a place for people to call home, even though it is ultimately his place. In Genesis 2, the center of sacred space is identified, explanation is given concerning how humans will function on behalf of sacred space, and we see God interacting with people in this sacred space.

Reading the chapters as a home story allows the emergence of rich theology that is obscured by reading the text as a house story. We learn that, even though God has provided for us, it is not about us. The cosmos is not ours to do with as we please but God’s place in which we serve as his co-regents. Our subduing and ruling are carried out in full recognition that we are caretakers. Whatever humanity does, it should be directed toward bringing order out of non-order. Our use of the environment should not impose disorder. This is not just a house that we inhabit; it is our divinely gifted home, and we are accountable for our use of it and work in it.—The Lost World of Adam and Eve, p. 52

<idle musing>
Amen and amen! That's why dumping excessive amounts of fertilizers, pesticides (e.g., neo-nics), herbicides (e.g., Round-up™), and destructive mining (e.g., fracking, strip mining), just to mention a few things, are wrong. We are destroying God's creation and we will be held accountable.
</idle musing>

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