Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pictures of the ETS booth

For those of you who might not know, ETS stands for Evangelical Theological Society and they are having their annual meeting in King of Prussia, PA starting tomorrow. I am here selling books and today was set up. Tomorrow the selling begins, we're offering 50% off on Eisenbrauns and Harvard Semitic Museum titles, 30% off on Carta and 20% off on all other distribution partners. Here are some pictures, I am right next to Zondervan, as you can see.


Dr. Joseph Ray Cathey said...

Save some books for us at SBL. You know that you can't really ever tell about those evangelicals! They might buy you out or not, but I am going to give you quite a bit of money come Friday!

Stay Warm

jps said...

Don't worry Joe, we ship separately to each convention. Any leftovers will come with me, but it doesn't look like there will be many.
