Sunday, October 22, 2006

What I'm reading now

The rep from Abingdon gave me an interesting little book recently. I started it on Thursday and it is very good. Let me quote from the blurb on Abingdon's web site:

We need committed Christians who care for the common good, who seek to be uniters rather than dividers, in deed and not just in word, who let their faith modify their politics rather than the reverse, who are suspicious of "graven ideologies," and who love their political counterparts by refusing to see them as enemies, treating them instead as beloved neighbors. We need people of faith who search the Scriptures, not for proof-texts to support the policies about which they’ve already made up their minds, but rather for new truths that will stretch their political and social understandings beyond the planks of any party.

That describes Dr. Hunter’s aim in this important and well-written book.

In spite of the word "Democrat" in the title, Dr. Hunter isn’t interested in getting Republicans to switch parties. He wants to help Christians - and especially evangelical Christians - see that their first loyalty is to a King and kingdom higher than any "principality or power" on earth. If we get that straight, we can expect a revolution of goodness and peace to continually unfold. The effects of that revolution will make themselves felt in the areas of economics, ecology, sexuality and family, poverty, education, the arts, racial reconciliation, the media, religion, and yes, even politics.

You should read this book!

No, Eisenbrauns doesn't sell it. No, I don't get any commission. All I want is for people to move beyond the current mindset that seems too prevalent: "Republican = Evangelical Christian" and into a biblical mindset of "Christ only, Christ all!"

Back in the mid 1970's Billy Graham warned that the right has always tried to hijack the conservative christian cause. He said they did it in the 1950's, and then jettisoned the christians when it no longer suited their needs. Would that people has taken his warning to heart!

Hey, look at this post that just popped up on my RSS reader (it's a month old, but my reader is weird that way):

Remember, we march to the drum that the world cannot hear. It cannot join us. Except in Christ. Not either in the Democrat or Republican party. Nor through any other entity in this world. The victory of God in Christ is not a victory for either, or any of these.

Let's not forget it. Let's remember where our allegiance lies. And learn to live in that allegiance. As those in Jesus who have our feet on the ground, but whose orders are ultimately always from "God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords" (1 Timothy 6:15; TNIV)- Amen.

Oh, by the way, the name of the book is Christian, Evangelical, and . . . Democrat?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I started down your blog, reading, came to this post. And lo and behold I recognized a posting you were quoting. Thanks.

Yes, Paul Henry gave a lecture in a college in Indiana around 1979 (could have been Huntington College?, can't remember for sure). He was a U.S. Congressman in our district here in Michigan, and his father being Carl F. Henry, the evangelical theologian.

This lecture was about his concern that that evangelical political right of his day was going in a direction not good.

Dr. Hunter's book sounds good. Thanks for sharing this.