Monday, April 14, 2008

Today's quote

A book just came across my desk today, and my eyes fell on this paragraph:

In North America today, unfortunately, we are infatuated with models and methods. we travel the continent and spend great amounts of time and money looking for cutting-edge and innovative ways of how to do church. I agree with Neil Cole who said, “The answers are not found in our models, methods, and manmade systems but in the truth of God's Word and in being filled and led by the Spirit of God.” Missional House Churches, p. 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, that's sounds very similar to things my father says, a pastor whose writing his diss on church organizational structure.

By the way, James, I appreciated the encouragement you gave about money for school - a $600 check came in the mail just two days later.
