OK, I've been tagged by Jim West and Nick Norelli for the BSC 111111 meme. I am not nearly as clever as those two, and have been struggling to come up with 5 imaginary posts by 5 bibliobloggers (per the instructions here), but am drawing a major blank. But, I don't want to hear Zwingli read to me by anyone—that would be worse than having Calvin read to me :)
First the rules:
a. Tag five Biblical studies bloggers.
b. Invent fictional posts that they might have written over the last month.
c. Link to this post.
Here are my lame attempts:
Charles Halton: "Why the University of Chicago is better than Hebrew Union College and why I wish I had gone there"
Kevin Edgecomb: "I just discovered that the filioque clause is right! Now what?"
Kevin Wilson: "Why I prefer the Anchor Bible Dictionary over the New Interpreter's Bible Dictionary"
Tyler Williams: "It's those 3 X's that are blocking it, really!"
Rick Brannan: "Greek accents don't really matter; one ALLA is as good as another!"
OK, I told you they were lame...now does anybody have a good idea for a July sale? That's what I should have been doing while I was straining my poor brain for this.
Monday, June 30, 2008
God and war
More from War in the Bible and Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
“The evidence of Exodus 15 may be multiplied throughout the Bible; whenever war is associated with God’s activities, the majesty of God receives far more attention and praise than the war that he prosecutes.”—Hess, pages 31-32
“The evidence of Exodus 15 may be multiplied throughout the Bible; whenever war is associated with God’s activities, the majesty of God receives far more attention and praise than the war that he prosecutes.”—Hess, pages 31-32
Friday, June 27, 2008
War in the Bible
I have been reading War in the Bible and Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century. I have some good excerpts marked from chapter one, but forgot to bring it with me on this trip, so they will have to wait until next week.
Meanwhile, here's a good quote from chapter 2, by Rick Hess (page 25):
<idle musing>
I am always amazed by how difficult this concept is for people to grasp. For some reason the secular/sacred dichotomy of modern/post-modern life gets projected backwards onto texts and history. Of course, I would argue that the dichotomy is a false one even today :)
</idle musing>
Meanwhile, here's a good quote from chapter 2, by Rick Hess (page 25):
...no ancient war was entirely secular. Despite the horror of battle, the ancient world understood all its wars to be sacred, if not holy. That is, war involved the powers of heaven as well as earth. Therefore, every war that was prosecuted by an ancient people, whether great or small, was dependent on the favor of the gods for its success. The case was no different in Israel.
<idle musing>
I am always amazed by how difficult this concept is for people to grasp. For some reason the secular/sacred dichotomy of modern/post-modern life gets projected backwards onto texts and history. Of course, I would argue that the dichotomy is a false one even today :)
</idle musing>
Bang! Bang! Another one bites the dust
OK, bad title, but I have to agree with Scot McKnight on this one. The Supreme Court might be legally right, but they are wrong.
<idle musing>
"As long as their is sin in the world, there will be violence." I just read that yesterday in a book. But, do we have to make the tools of violence so readily available? Does anyone really need an automatic weapon? That is hardly a hunting weapon—at least not unless you are hunting humans!
</idle musing>
The Supreme Court decision is a classic example of being legal and right but dead wrong, in my opinion of course. Like the priest and levite who chose to avoid touching what they thought was a dead corpse but, in avoiding contracting impurity, missed the whole point of the law — to love God and to love others.
<idle musing>
"As long as their is sin in the world, there will be violence." I just read that yesterday in a book. But, do we have to make the tools of violence so readily available? Does anyone really need an automatic weapon? That is hardly a hunting weapon—at least not unless you are hunting humans!
</idle musing>
lost post
I ran across this yesterday, it was supposed to have been posted a week ago Wednesday, which explains why there was no post that day :)
Again, from Absolute Surrender:
All the feebleness in the Church is owing to the refusal to obey its God.
And why is that so? I know your answer. You say: “We are too feeble and too helpless, and we try to obey, and we vow to obey, but somehow we fail.”
Ah, yes; you fail because you do not accept the strength of God. God alone can work out His will in you. You cannot work out God's will, but His Holy Spirit can; and until the Church, until believers grasp this, and cease trying by human effort to do God's will, and wait upon the Holy Spirit to come with His omnipotent and enabling power, the Church will never be what God wants her to be, and what God is willing to make of her.
Again, from Absolute Surrender:
All the feebleness in the Church is owing to the refusal to obey its God.
And why is that so? I know your answer. You say: “We are too feeble and too helpless, and we try to obey, and we vow to obey, but somehow we fail.”
Ah, yes; you fail because you do not accept the strength of God. God alone can work out His will in you. You cannot work out God's will, but His Holy Spirit can; and until the Church, until believers grasp this, and cease trying by human effort to do God's will, and wait upon the Holy Spirit to come with His omnipotent and enabling power, the Church will never be what God wants her to be, and what God is willing to make of her.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
ATLA morning
Death or death?
From My Utmost for His Highest:
We have to recognize that sin is a fact of life, not just a shortcoming. Sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either sin or God must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue— if sin rules in me, God’s life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. There is nothing more fundamental than that. The culmination of sin was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will also be true in your history and in mine— that is, sin will kill the life of God in us. We must mentally bring ourselves to terms with this fact of sin. It is the only explanation why Jesus Christ came to earth, and it is the explanation of the grief and sorrow of life.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Moonlit walks
<idle musing>
Because I am away from home, I can't take my daily walk with Debbie. We usually take a walk around midnight or so, covering about 2 miles while we talk, sing, and pray together. I really like those times and miss them when we don't walk. There is something special about the outdoors after midnight.
This time of year is especially nice. Monday night the moon was about 1/2 full and it was clear. The fireflies have started coming out now, and they were flashing all over the woods. It was almost like a Christmas display. Tuesday night the sky was mostly cloudy, but that made the moon all the more interesting as it would try to peek through the clouds. Sometimes it almost looked like a fire burning a hole through them.
</idle musing>
Because I am away from home, I can't take my daily walk with Debbie. We usually take a walk around midnight or so, covering about 2 miles while we talk, sing, and pray together. I really like those times and miss them when we don't walk. There is something special about the outdoors after midnight.
This time of year is especially nice. Monday night the moon was about 1/2 full and it was clear. The fireflies have started coming out now, and they were flashing all over the woods. It was almost like a Christmas display. Tuesday night the sky was mostly cloudy, but that made the moon all the more interesting as it would try to peek through the clouds. Sometimes it almost looked like a fire burning a hole through them.
</idle musing>
Thoughts on travel
Well, I finally arrived at the hotel tonight. I arrived at the airport in South Bend (Indiana) around 3:00. I got a ride from Debbie's parents, since the hood still hasn't arrived for our car yet—although it is supposed to arrive on Thursday. I went to check in and the auto check-in wouldn't let me. It said something about overbooked flight or missing connecting flight. Immediately visions of staying the night at the airport flash to my mind :(
Well, turns out that the weather—lots of thunderstorms—had backed up South Bend and Chicago. My flight to Ottawa from Chicago would be gone by the time I left South Bend. But, they put me on a later flight. Problem solved. The flight, which was supposed to leave at 4:08, ended up leaving at 5:30. When I got to O'Hare, the flight I was originally booked on was still in the gate, so I could have made it. Instead I sat in the airport for an extra 2 hours. No problem though, I just caught up on some blog reading.
The flight to Ottawa was pretty uneventful, but the guy next to me was reading a Dan Brown type novel. He glanced over at what I was reading—the Greek New Testament. He went back to his novel. Too bad! It could have gotten interesting :)
Because I had shipped books ahead of me, they sent me to customs. I sat there for a long time while they grilled some people in front of me. I was wondering what I would be in for when all of a sudden a new customs officer appears with two people in tow. Apparently they had tried to bring meat into the country without declaring it. From Iraq! Uh-oh! They're probably still there, or in jail.
When they got to me, the customs woman asked me why I was here, what I had shipped, why I had shipped it and then let me go. I offered to show her the book I had in my backpack: Ashkelon 1, but she wasn't interested. I told her I was proud of it and that it was just published. She reluctantly agreed to let me show it to her, but she didn't seem impressed by its 7 pounds of mass. Oh well.
One advantage of catching the later flight was that I ran into the guys from TBN and we shared a cab. Since it was around 11:00 at night, I didn't see much of the city, but it looks nice. Hopefully I can walk around some while I am here.
When I got to my room and opened my suitcase, I noticed that they had rummaged through it. I had a brand new bottle of contact lens solution in a side pouch. The unzipped the pouch and moved it. It was still sealed, or I bet I wouldn't have it anymore. They also took my toothpaste! I've never had that happen before. Oh will, it has been a long day with 8 hours in airports, so I think I will head for bed. The hotel has a workout room that I will use in the morning.
Well, turns out that the weather—lots of thunderstorms—had backed up South Bend and Chicago. My flight to Ottawa from Chicago would be gone by the time I left South Bend. But, they put me on a later flight. Problem solved. The flight, which was supposed to leave at 4:08, ended up leaving at 5:30. When I got to O'Hare, the flight I was originally booked on was still in the gate, so I could have made it. Instead I sat in the airport for an extra 2 hours. No problem though, I just caught up on some blog reading.
The flight to Ottawa was pretty uneventful, but the guy next to me was reading a Dan Brown type novel. He glanced over at what I was reading—the Greek New Testament. He went back to his novel. Too bad! It could have gotten interesting :)
Because I had shipped books ahead of me, they sent me to customs. I sat there for a long time while they grilled some people in front of me. I was wondering what I would be in for when all of a sudden a new customs officer appears with two people in tow. Apparently they had tried to bring meat into the country without declaring it. From Iraq! Uh-oh! They're probably still there, or in jail.
When they got to me, the customs woman asked me why I was here, what I had shipped, why I had shipped it and then let me go. I offered to show her the book I had in my backpack: Ashkelon 1, but she wasn't interested. I told her I was proud of it and that it was just published. She reluctantly agreed to let me show it to her, but she didn't seem impressed by its 7 pounds of mass. Oh well.
One advantage of catching the later flight was that I ran into the guys from TBN and we shared a cab. Since it was around 11:00 at night, I didn't see much of the city, but it looks nice. Hopefully I can walk around some while I am here.
When I got to my room and opened my suitcase, I noticed that they had rummaged through it. I had a brand new bottle of contact lens solution in a side pouch. The unzipped the pouch and moved it. It was still sealed, or I bet I wouldn't have it anymore. They also took my toothpaste! I've never had that happen before. Oh will, it has been a long day with 8 hours in airports, so I think I will head for bed. The hotel has a workout room that I will use in the morning.
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's that time of the year again. A bit later than normal this year because it has been so cold, but that worked out better for me with our wacky schedule this year. Saturday I picked about 40 pounds of strawberries—20 pounds for freezer jam and 20 pounds sliced and frozen. I wanted 50 pounds, but because it is toward the end of the season, the berries were smaller and it took longer than normal to pick.
We still don't have a car, and the patch is about 15 miles away, so Jon loaned me his car. I couldn't have fit that many strawberries onto the bike trailer without crushing them. I certainly didn't want strawberry juice :)
I got to the patch around 9:00 and had picked about 15 pounds when it got cloudy and windy and looked (and sounded) like it was going to rain. In fact, it did start to sprinkle and most people quit and went home. Not me. Instead I asked God to send the storm south of us and let me finish picking. Sure enough, that storm went south of us and I kept on picking. A bit later, when I had about 35 pounds, it started to look like rain again, but I kept on praying. When I hit 40 pounds, my back was starting to hurt and I decided to quit.
I was carrying the flats up to the stand to pay for them when it started to rain. By the time I had the fourth flat there, it was pouring rain. Next time, I will remember to ask God to keep the rain away until I have them paid for! Oh well, I didn't melt, nor did the strawberries.
The rest of the day was spent making jam, slicing strawberries and freezing them. We finished at about 11:00 PM. Long day, but it will be well worth it this winter when Debbie makes shortcake. But, right now I don't want to see another strawberry for a while...
We still don't have a car, and the patch is about 15 miles away, so Jon loaned me his car. I couldn't have fit that many strawberries onto the bike trailer without crushing them. I certainly didn't want strawberry juice :)
I got to the patch around 9:00 and had picked about 15 pounds when it got cloudy and windy and looked (and sounded) like it was going to rain. In fact, it did start to sprinkle and most people quit and went home. Not me. Instead I asked God to send the storm south of us and let me finish picking. Sure enough, that storm went south of us and I kept on picking. A bit later, when I had about 35 pounds, it started to look like rain again, but I kept on praying. When I hit 40 pounds, my back was starting to hurt and I decided to quit.
I was carrying the flats up to the stand to pay for them when it started to rain. By the time I had the fourth flat there, it was pouring rain. Next time, I will remember to ask God to keep the rain away until I have them paid for! Oh well, I didn't melt, nor did the strawberries.
The rest of the day was spent making jam, slicing strawberries and freezing them. We finished at about 11:00 PM. Long day, but it will be well worth it this winter when Debbie makes shortcake. But, right now I don't want to see another strawberry for a while...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Eisenbrauns 10 day sale
1000 years ago this year the scribes finished copying the Leningrad codex. Eisenbrauns is celebrating the milestone with a sale on the facsimile edition and the smaller Dothan edition, both at 40% off.
Of course, you can't just run those two by themselves, so we threw in 8 other titles for you at savings from 40-50% off:
"Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia: Prepared according to the Vocalization, Accents, and Masora of Aaron ben Moses ben Asher in the Leningrad Codex with Adaptations to Halakhic Requirements"
by Aron Dothan
Hendrickson Publishers, 2001. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 1565630890
List Price: $49.95 Your Price: $29.97
"The Leningrad Codex: The Facsimile Edition"
Edited by David Noel Freedman, Astrid Beck, and James A. Sanders
Eerdmans, 1998. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 0802837867
List Price: $275.00 Your Price: $165.00
Edited by Carmel McCarthy
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2007. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 9781598561982
List Price: $99.00 Your Price: $59.40
"Ezra-Nehemiah: Biblia Hebraica Quinta"
Edited by David Marcus
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ 20
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2006. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052806
List Price: $98.00 Your Price: $58.80
"General Introduction and Megilloth: Biblia Hebraica Quinta"
Edited by Adrian Schenker, et al.
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ 18
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2004. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052784
List Price: $98.00 Your Price: $58.80
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Large Format"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1987. Cloth. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052180
List Price: $79.99 Your Price: $47.99
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Paperback Edition"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2001. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052229
List Price: $34.99 Your Price: $19.94
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Small format"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1987. Cloth. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052199
List Price: $69.95 Your Price: $38.47
"Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon Old Testament: Study Edition, 2 Volume Set"
Edited by Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner
Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament - HALOT
Brill Academic Publishers, 2002. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 9004124454
List Price: $249.00 Your Price: $174.05
"The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic: Coded with the numbering system from "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible""
by Francis Brown, et al.
Hendrickson Publishers, 1995. Cloth. English and Hebrew.
ISBN: 1565632060
List Price: $34.95 Your Price: $17.48
Of course, you can't just run those two by themselves, so we threw in 8 other titles for you at savings from 40-50% off:
"Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia: Prepared according to the Vocalization, Accents, and Masora of Aaron ben Moses ben Asher in the Leningrad Codex with Adaptations to Halakhic Requirements"
by Aron Dothan
Hendrickson Publishers, 2001. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 1565630890
List Price: $49.95 Your Price: $29.97
"The Leningrad Codex: The Facsimile Edition"
Edited by David Noel Freedman, Astrid Beck, and James A. Sanders
Eerdmans, 1998. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 0802837867
List Price: $275.00 Your Price: $165.00
Edited by Carmel McCarthy
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2007. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 9781598561982
List Price: $99.00 Your Price: $59.40
"Ezra-Nehemiah: Biblia Hebraica Quinta"
Edited by David Marcus
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ 20
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2006. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052806
List Price: $98.00 Your Price: $58.80
"General Introduction and Megilloth: Biblia Hebraica Quinta"
Edited by Adrian Schenker, et al.
Biblia Hebraica Quinta - BHQ 18
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2004. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052784
List Price: $98.00 Your Price: $58.80
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Large Format"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1987. Cloth. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052180
List Price: $79.99 Your Price: $47.99
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Paperback Edition"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2001. Paper. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052229
List Price: $34.99 Your Price: $19.94
"Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Small format"
Edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart, 1987. Cloth. Hebrew.
ISBN: 3438052199
List Price: $69.95 Your Price: $38.47
"Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon Old Testament: Study Edition, 2 Volume Set"
Edited by Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner
Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament - HALOT
Brill Academic Publishers, 2002. Cloth. English.
ISBN: 9004124454
List Price: $249.00 Your Price: $174.05
"The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic: Coded with the numbering system from "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible""
by Francis Brown, et al.
Hendrickson Publishers, 1995. Cloth. English and Hebrew.
ISBN: 1565632060
List Price: $34.95 Your Price: $17.48
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday's thought
Another selection from Absolute Surrender, compliments of Blogger's delayed posting action:
I fear that if you take the preaching throughout the Church of Christ and ask why there is, alas! so little converting power in the preaching of the Word, why there is so much work and often so little result for eternity, why the Word has so little power to build up believers in holiness and in consecration—the answer will come: It is the absence of the power of the Holy Ghost. And why is this? There can be no other reason but that the flesh and human energy have taken the place that the Holy Ghost ought to have.
I fear that if you take the preaching throughout the Church of Christ and ask why there is, alas! so little converting power in the preaching of the Word, why there is so much work and often so little result for eternity, why the Word has so little power to build up believers in holiness and in consecration—the answer will come: It is the absence of the power of the Holy Ghost. And why is this? There can be no other reason but that the flesh and human energy have taken the place that the Holy Ghost ought to have.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday's thought
If you are reading this, then the delayed posting function of Blogger works :)
Here's another selection from Abosolute Surrender:
God gives Christians the Holy Spirit with this intention, that every day all their life should be lived in the power of the Spirit. A man cannot live one hour a godly life unless by the power of the Holy Ghost. He may live a proper, consistent life, as people call it, an irreproachable life, a life of virtue and diligent service; but to live a life acceptable to God, in enjoyment of God's salvation and God's love, to live and walk in the power of the new life—he cannot do it unless he be guided by the Holy Spirit every day and every hour.
Here's another selection from Abosolute Surrender:
God gives Christians the Holy Spirit with this intention, that every day all their life should be lived in the power of the Spirit. A man cannot live one hour a godly life unless by the power of the Holy Ghost. He may live a proper, consistent life, as people call it, an irreproachable life, a life of virtue and diligent service; but to live a life acceptable to God, in enjoyment of God's salvation and God's love, to live and walk in the power of the new life—he cannot do it unless he be guided by the Holy Spirit every day and every hour.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Lost shipment
This one has to take the record for time lost.
We sent a shipment out to a customer in December, 2006. It was a foreign address, so we allow up to 3 months for delivery. When it hadn't arrived by March, 2007, we reshipped to him, our normal procedure. He received the follow-up shipment without problems.
Today, we received back a package containing the original shipment. The box was beat up, but the books were still in sellable condition! That was over 18 months that the package was lost somewhere in the world!
Strange things happening...
We sent a shipment out to a customer in December, 2006. It was a foreign address, so we allow up to 3 months for delivery. When it hadn't arrived by March, 2007, we reshipped to him, our normal procedure. He received the follow-up shipment without problems.
Today, we received back a package containing the original shipment. The box was beat up, but the books were still in sellable condition! That was over 18 months that the package was lost somewhere in the world!
Strange things happening...
Thought for a Friday
I haven't had a lot of time to read lately, but I picked up Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray again the other day and read chapter 7. Here is a selection from it:
<idle musing>
Do I ever know that to be true in the last few days. Without the continuous upholding power of God, there is no way I could make it. I feel a wall of peace surrounding me and protecting me. Sure, it hurts and I grieve, but not as those without hope, as the scripture says. David put it appropriately when he said of his dead baby that he would go to be with him, but the child would never return.
I do thank all of you for your e-mails, wall posts, comments, and prayers. They do make a difference and I thank God for all of you. I will be leaving to get Debbie on Saturday and won't return until Tuesday night, so there might not be any postings until then.
</idle musing>
If the church will return to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is her strength and her help, and if the church will return to give up everything, and wait upon God to be filled with the Spirit, her days of beauty and gladness will return, and we shall see the glory of God revealed among us. This is my message to every individual believer: Nothing will help you unless you come to understand that you must live every day under the power of the Holy Ghost.
God wants you to be a living vessel in whom the power of the Spirit is to be manifested every hour and every moment of your life, and God will enable you to be that.
<idle musing>
Do I ever know that to be true in the last few days. Without the continuous upholding power of God, there is no way I could make it. I feel a wall of peace surrounding me and protecting me. Sure, it hurts and I grieve, but not as those without hope, as the scripture says. David put it appropriately when he said of his dead baby that he would go to be with him, but the child would never return.
I do thank all of you for your e-mails, wall posts, comments, and prayers. They do make a difference and I thank God for all of you. I will be leaving to get Debbie on Saturday and won't return until Tuesday night, so there might not be any postings until then.
</idle musing>
Various notes
I am getting caught up on some blog reading, and wanted to point to a few good posts
Nice post by Claude Mariottini on why just changing the name of your church won't change anything else.
How about some provocative thoughts on marriage
Alan Knox is connecting some dots in reading scripture, and pointing to a faulty view of church
Or, how about some thoughts on baptism and what it means in your daily life.
Finally, how about an outsider's view of American life
Nice post by Claude Mariottini on why just changing the name of your church won't change anything else.
How about some provocative thoughts on marriage
Alan Knox is connecting some dots in reading scripture, and pointing to a faulty view of church
Or, how about some thoughts on baptism and what it means in your daily life.
Finally, how about an outsider's view of American life
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Lakeland again
Well, it looks like I don't have to figure out how to post the PDF. Gary sent it to Todd, and he posted it on his website here.
Peter Kirk interacts with the paper here.
I have known Gary Greig for over 20 years now, from the time we were students together at the University of Chicago. Gary is a very careful scholar and pays attention to detail—unlike yours truly :)
Peter Kirk interacts with the paper here.
I have known Gary Greig for over 20 years now, from the time we were students together at the University of Chicago. Gary is a very careful scholar and pays attention to detail—unlike yours truly :)
The what?
I think we need to start reapplying the lex sedentium Huh? I had never heard of it before either, but Alan Knox posted on it recently. Here's a bit to help you understand
<idle musing>
Fascinating stuff. Too bad the magisterial reformers (a certain Zwingli included) didn't stick with the scripture, but instead substituted their own version of the Mass (he says, ducking!). Read the whole post for more background
</idle musing>
Sometime during the 1500's the magisterial reformers abandoned the idea of Sitzerrecht - that all believers have the right and duty to test teachers and determine the meaning of Scripture together - and embraced the principle that only a "technically qualified theological expert" could properly interpret Scripture for a gathered group of believers.
The idea that only a qualified expert can exegete and explain Scripture today is embraced by most congregations - even if it is not voiced as a hermeneutical principle by those same congregations. For this reason, the "sermon" and the "pulpit" are placed in a superior position to any other type of communication between believers. Since the sermon is now in a superior position - for many a sacrosanct or even sacramental position - Paul's instructions in 1 Cor. 14:26ff. concerning interrupting a speaker are considered to not apply to sermons.
<idle musing>
Fascinating stuff. Too bad the magisterial reformers (a certain Zwingli included) didn't stick with the scripture, but instead substituted their own version of the Mass (he says, ducking!). Read the whole post for more background
</idle musing>
Sometimes you have to say good-bye
But it is not always easy. Monday they did surgery on Emily Grace. Tuesday, she went to be with Jesus. I only got to see her two days, but she had a sweet spirit about her. Even the nurses noticed it and commented on it. Joel has written a nice little good-bye here.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Lakeland (long)
Up until now, I have avoided saying anything about the Lakeland outpouring. But, it seems that some comments need to be made, so here we go...
As most of you know, I desire to see a revival of true Christianity in this land—actually, in this world. I have read quite a few histories of revival and not a few biographies of some of the greatest revival preachers in the last 400 years. One thing I have noted that they all have in common is that they are misunderstood and misrepresented by their contemporaries. Especially by the established leaders of the institutional church. For example, Jonathan Edwards was accused of allowing the devil to deceive him—they even had a denominational meeting that was going to censure him, but Godly men prevented it; John Wesley was called a “papist” (which was one of the worst things you could call someone in 18th century England—remember they had just come out of the religious wars) and worse; Charles Finney was accused of using “new measures” which were in contradiction to the scripture. Ironically, many of those "new measures" have now become essential in many people's minds. For example, take the altar call. This is a staple in most evangelistic services, but it was introduced by Finney, to the outrage of most of his contemporaries. Now if you don't have one, you are accused of not presenting the gospel!
Another thing that they have in common is an unusual level of physical manifestations which were a bit strange. People crying out under conviction, some actually falling to the ground and going into a trance. If you read John Wesley's journal (not the cleaned up one that Moody Press used to sell, but either the new one by Abingdon, or the older one by Baker), you will see many strange things enumerated. But, and this is the difference between many revivalists then and now, the revivalists did not put any stock in the manifestations. They looked for a changed life; a life full of the fear of God and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Anything else was simply accepted as a way that God was working, but not seen as a substitute for a changed life.
As long as a changed life remains the focus, and God is kept at the center, let the manifestations come in whatever form they do. Personally, I think that is where Toronto got sidetracked. They started out focusing on God, but before very long, the manifestations became the center. Once that happened, God left.
I have heard many accusations raised against Todd Bentley. For example, he is violent; he almost attacks the people physically who come for healing. So? Has anybody ever read any of the reports from a Smith Wigglesworth healing? Herr Tilling, care to say anything? Smith Wigglesworth would probably be hauled into court today for the physicalness of his “laying on of hands,” yet most were healed.
I have heard complaints about the fact that he is tattoed. So? I grew up during the 1960-70 era. Anybody hear of the Jesus Movement? The big complaint about them was that they had long-hair, wore ragged blue jeans, went barefoot, and played rock and roll (guilty on all counts!). Did that mean that God wasn't at work? Did that mean that their salvation wasn't real? Can God only work through established institutional churches with robes, candles, vestments, etc.? Hmmm. Want to join the pharisees and sadducees who were against Jesus because he didn't do things the “right” way?
I have heard him accused of being ignorant. Maybe he isn't a theologian, but I would venture to say that he knows more about God than his critics. The early disciples were “ignorant and unschooled men,” did that stop God from using them? Smith Wigglesworth could barely read (and some of his theology was a bit on the questionable side). Did that keep God from using him? I know a pastor who is now in his 80's who couldn't read until God called him to preach. His answer to God was, “God, I'll preach, but you will have to teach me how to read.” God did. It is a cliché, but true, that God is more concerned with our availability than our ability.
Remember that scripture says people will know we are Christians by our love for one another. It doesn't say by our correct doctrine or by our flowery sermons or our ornate buildings. Also, remember that we are told to watch for false teachers by the fruit of their lives. Again, nothing about doctrine. Yes, doctrine is important! But, far more important is your relationship with the almighty righteous God who created you and redeemed you by the blood of his son, Jesus.
A friend of mine, who has a PhD from the University of Chicago, sent me a theological defense of the Lakeland outpouring. He gave me permission to post it, but it is too long to put up as a post. If I can figure out how to post a PDF on Blogger, I will put it up. Anybody able to tell me how?
As most of you know, I desire to see a revival of true Christianity in this land—actually, in this world. I have read quite a few histories of revival and not a few biographies of some of the greatest revival preachers in the last 400 years. One thing I have noted that they all have in common is that they are misunderstood and misrepresented by their contemporaries. Especially by the established leaders of the institutional church. For example, Jonathan Edwards was accused of allowing the devil to deceive him—they even had a denominational meeting that was going to censure him, but Godly men prevented it; John Wesley was called a “papist” (which was one of the worst things you could call someone in 18th century England—remember they had just come out of the religious wars) and worse; Charles Finney was accused of using “new measures” which were in contradiction to the scripture. Ironically, many of those "new measures" have now become essential in many people's minds. For example, take the altar call. This is a staple in most evangelistic services, but it was introduced by Finney, to the outrage of most of his contemporaries. Now if you don't have one, you are accused of not presenting the gospel!
Another thing that they have in common is an unusual level of physical manifestations which were a bit strange. People crying out under conviction, some actually falling to the ground and going into a trance. If you read John Wesley's journal (not the cleaned up one that Moody Press used to sell, but either the new one by Abingdon, or the older one by Baker), you will see many strange things enumerated. But, and this is the difference between many revivalists then and now, the revivalists did not put any stock in the manifestations. They looked for a changed life; a life full of the fear of God and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Anything else was simply accepted as a way that God was working, but not seen as a substitute for a changed life.
As long as a changed life remains the focus, and God is kept at the center, let the manifestations come in whatever form they do. Personally, I think that is where Toronto got sidetracked. They started out focusing on God, but before very long, the manifestations became the center. Once that happened, God left.
I have heard many accusations raised against Todd Bentley. For example, he is violent; he almost attacks the people physically who come for healing. So? Has anybody ever read any of the reports from a Smith Wigglesworth healing? Herr Tilling, care to say anything? Smith Wigglesworth would probably be hauled into court today for the physicalness of his “laying on of hands,” yet most were healed.
I have heard complaints about the fact that he is tattoed. So? I grew up during the 1960-70 era. Anybody hear of the Jesus Movement? The big complaint about them was that they had long-hair, wore ragged blue jeans, went barefoot, and played rock and roll (guilty on all counts!). Did that mean that God wasn't at work? Did that mean that their salvation wasn't real? Can God only work through established institutional churches with robes, candles, vestments, etc.? Hmmm. Want to join the pharisees and sadducees who were against Jesus because he didn't do things the “right” way?
I have heard him accused of being ignorant. Maybe he isn't a theologian, but I would venture to say that he knows more about God than his critics. The early disciples were “ignorant and unschooled men,” did that stop God from using them? Smith Wigglesworth could barely read (and some of his theology was a bit on the questionable side). Did that keep God from using him? I know a pastor who is now in his 80's who couldn't read until God called him to preach. His answer to God was, “God, I'll preach, but you will have to teach me how to read.” God did. It is a cliché, but true, that God is more concerned with our availability than our ability.
Remember that scripture says people will know we are Christians by our love for one another. It doesn't say by our correct doctrine or by our flowery sermons or our ornate buildings. Also, remember that we are told to watch for false teachers by the fruit of their lives. Again, nothing about doctrine. Yes, doctrine is important! But, far more important is your relationship with the almighty righteous God who created you and redeemed you by the blood of his son, Jesus.
A friend of mine, who has a PhD from the University of Chicago, sent me a theological defense of the Lakeland outpouring. He gave me permission to post it, but it is too long to put up as a post. If I can figure out how to post a PDF on Blogger, I will put it up. Anybody able to tell me how?
June sale at Eisenbrauns
Here it is the tenth of June, and I still haven't posted about the monthly sale. You would almost think that other more important things are going on right now :)
The Eisenbrauns' June sale is offering you the chance to save 40% on almost 50 titles from the AOAT series by Ugarit Verlag. We haven't offered prices this low on AOAT titles for over 2 years. You can view the complete list here
The Eisenbrauns' June sale is offering you the chance to save 40% on almost 50 titles from the AOAT series by Ugarit Verlag. We haven't offered prices this low on AOAT titles for over 2 years. You can view the complete list here
Update on Emily
I just received an e-mail from Joel:
The times are Central Daylight. Please pray! I think they should do another ECHO before surgery, but...
They decided not to do another ECHO. They were putting an IV in Emily's neck when we arrived, but we couldn't watch. She's still scheduled for noon but may not actually have surgery until 1 or 2.
The times are Central Daylight. Please pray! I think they should do another ECHO before surgery, but...
Emily Grace (June bug) Monday results
Joel and Renee couldn't post last night, but I talked to Joel on the phone (Debbie too!). Here's what happened:
The doctors stopped the prostoglandin yesterday morning, as planned. Emily's oxygen saturation levels dropped, as expected; the concern is if they drop below 70. They did drop below 70 last evening, but then recovered into the 80's, but were not stable, although they did not drop below 70 again. The doctors had a nurse technician do an ultrasound/echo monitor on Emily's heart. She was at it for about 45 minutes.
She was fairly sure that she saw forward movement of blood through the pulmonary artery, which is good. Because it was evening, the doctors were consulting with her over the phone. Given that it was evening, and that her levels were somewhat unstable, they decided to begin giving Emily the prostoglandin again. But, there will be a consultation between the doctors and a new ultrasound/echo monitor this morning.
Please pray! This is truly good news! If when the doctors review the ultrasound/echo monitor from last night and this morning they see forward movement of blood, they probably will not need to operate!
Joel told me they would call me at work today with any further updates. I will post them as soon as I hear.
The doctors stopped the prostoglandin yesterday morning, as planned. Emily's oxygen saturation levels dropped, as expected; the concern is if they drop below 70. They did drop below 70 last evening, but then recovered into the 80's, but were not stable, although they did not drop below 70 again. The doctors had a nurse technician do an ultrasound/echo monitor on Emily's heart. She was at it for about 45 minutes.
She was fairly sure that she saw forward movement of blood through the pulmonary artery, which is good. Because it was evening, the doctors were consulting with her over the phone. Given that it was evening, and that her levels were somewhat unstable, they decided to begin giving Emily the prostoglandin again. But, there will be a consultation between the doctors and a new ultrasound/echo monitor this morning.
Please pray! This is truly good news! If when the doctors review the ultrasound/echo monitor from last night and this morning they see forward movement of blood, they probably will not need to operate!
Joel told me they would call me at work today with any further updates. I will post them as soon as I hear.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Emily Grace (June bug)
I haven't posted anything on baby Emily since she was born. But, here is the latest, well the latest as of Saturday anyway. You can get all the details, as well as pictures on Joel and Renee's blog
On Thursday they stopped giving her prostoglandin to see if her heart would be able to function normally (see here for details). It didn't. So they resumed the medication. At the time, the doctors said that this automatically means open-heart surgery. But, on Saturday when I talked to Renee she told me that they were going to try one more time—today. Apparently they think there is still a chance to avoid surgery. When I think of that tiny little chest getting cut open... Anyway, with God there is more than a chance to avoid surgery. Please pray that God would intervene and enable her heart to sustain the necessary blood flow.
She is a beautiful little baby and she is one week old today.
On Thursday they stopped giving her prostoglandin to see if her heart would be able to function normally (see here for details). It didn't. So they resumed the medication. At the time, the doctors said that this automatically means open-heart surgery. But, on Saturday when I talked to Renee she told me that they were going to try one more time—today. Apparently they think there is still a chance to avoid surgery. When I think of that tiny little chest getting cut open... Anyway, with God there is more than a chance to avoid surgery. Please pray that God would intervene and enable her heart to sustain the necessary blood flow.
She is a beautiful little baby and she is one week old today.
Friday, June 06, 2008
The car
OK. The insurance guy came today and took all kinds of pictures. The car is 13 years old, so there was plenty of rust and related dents. After all was said and done, I got about $600 for the car. I hope that covers the repair of the hood; I have a friend coming to look at it tomorrow.
Here are some pictures I took of it. It is in the garage and the sun was causing weird shadows, but you can get the idea.


Here are some pictures I took of it. It is in the garage and the sun was causing weird shadows, but you can get the idea.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Back home again
I am now back in Indiana and at work. Yesterday (Wednesday) I swung by the hospital one last time to say good-bye to Joel, Renee, and Emily. She is such a precious little thing and looks very good despite all the tubes. If you want the latest news, check out Joel and Renee's blog.
The return trip is about 10 hours and I left the hospital around noon, Minneapolis time, which means 1:00 PM Indiana time. I made good time around Chicago, even with all the construction, and was coming down our road right around 11:15. I was rejoicing in the good time I made and that I hadn't had any car problems when suddenly a deer runs out in front of me, not more than 15 feet away. I swerved to avoid it, but the thing hit the hood with a crash! Or, was that the airbags deploying? I don't know, but I sure did hit it. The hood folded in half and the car stunk from the airbags.
The poor deer was lying in the road and I thought for sure I had killed it, But, nope. It scrambled up and managed to cross the road into the ditch before it collapsed. You could hear the backbone crunching. It was heart-wrenching to hear and see it thrashing around trying to get away. I called 911 and waited for the sheriff deputy to arrive. Thankfully, he put it out of its misery with 2 shots to the head with a rifle.
Five hundred and thirty miles, and 1/4 mile from home. Amazingly, there were no leaking fluids and the radiator had only moved about 1.5 inches. I actually drove it home and parked it in the garage. Because the airbags deployed, the insurance company is going to declare it totaled, but I'm going to buy it back. I got 55 miles to the gallon coming home. If at all possible, I want that car!
Never a dull moment. Son gets married, daughter has high-risk baby, deer hits car. All in less than a week :)
It certainly makes me believe in divine providence.
The return trip is about 10 hours and I left the hospital around noon, Minneapolis time, which means 1:00 PM Indiana time. I made good time around Chicago, even with all the construction, and was coming down our road right around 11:15. I was rejoicing in the good time I made and that I hadn't had any car problems when suddenly a deer runs out in front of me, not more than 15 feet away. I swerved to avoid it, but the thing hit the hood with a crash! Or, was that the airbags deploying? I don't know, but I sure did hit it. The hood folded in half and the car stunk from the airbags.
The poor deer was lying in the road and I thought for sure I had killed it, But, nope. It scrambled up and managed to cross the road into the ditch before it collapsed. You could hear the backbone crunching. It was heart-wrenching to hear and see it thrashing around trying to get away. I called 911 and waited for the sheriff deputy to arrive. Thankfully, he put it out of its misery with 2 shots to the head with a rifle.
Five hundred and thirty miles, and 1/4 mile from home. Amazingly, there were no leaking fluids and the radiator had only moved about 1.5 inches. I actually drove it home and parked it in the garage. Because the airbags deployed, the insurance company is going to declare it totaled, but I'm going to buy it back. I got 55 miles to the gallon coming home. If at all possible, I want that car!
Never a dull moment. Son gets married, daughter has high-risk baby, deer hits car. All in less than a week :)
It certainly makes me believe in divine providence.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Hey everybody! I'm a grandpa again! Emily Grace was born at 1:30 PM Central time today. They were concerned that she wouldn't have enough lung capacity to support life. Guess what? God is fantastic! Not only did she cry, but she wouldn't stop crying! Talk about lung capacity :)
More details soon, but my battery is about dead now...
More details soon, but my battery is about dead now...
It's Monday
Haven't had access to the Internet since Thursday, so perhaps a bit of an update would be nice...
Ryan and Emily's wedding was Saturday, and it was wonderful. Their prayer was that God would be glorified and people would see Jesus in everything that happened. Their prayers were answered. We saw people we hadn't seen since the last wedding (Renee's four years ago); others we hadn't seen since we left Minneapolis over 4.5 years ago. After the reception we helped Ryan and Emily take their gifts to their new apartment and left them in peace :) They flew out Monday AM at 6:00 for Florida. Ryan's work has paid for their airfare and lodging for 8 days at Fort Lauderdale! Emily had never flown before, or seen the ocean, so this is quite the treat for her. I just hope they don't get sunburn.
Saturday evening we went to "The House" which is an emerging-type church in Burnsville on the charismatic side of things. This is Ryan and Emily's home church, so we saw quite a few people that we had met at the wedding that morning. Afterwards, several of us joined together in prayer for baby Emily Grace (Junebug).
Sunday we went to see some friends in Chaska (where we used to live in the Minneapolis area). We had a good time catching up and praying with people from our bible study there. After that, we headed over to another set of friends and prayed with them for healing of their marriage. God broke through, and there was a great time of forgiveness and healing. They had been separated, but after last night, they are back together. We praise God for the restoration and pray that they would continue to walk in forgiveness with one another. By the time that was over, it was a bit late to take the kids back to Clyde and Pat's—we had laid them down to sleep at the last place—so we stayed the rest of the night.
Today, we returned to Clyde and Pat's to the news that Renee had gone into labor on her own late Sunday night. They admitted her Monday morning and broke her water around 10:30 Central time. And that brings us up to date. We don't know anything more yet, but they are expecting a baby girl before evening...
More when I have it.
Ryan and Emily's wedding was Saturday, and it was wonderful. Their prayer was that God would be glorified and people would see Jesus in everything that happened. Their prayers were answered. We saw people we hadn't seen since the last wedding (Renee's four years ago); others we hadn't seen since we left Minneapolis over 4.5 years ago. After the reception we helped Ryan and Emily take their gifts to their new apartment and left them in peace :) They flew out Monday AM at 6:00 for Florida. Ryan's work has paid for their airfare and lodging for 8 days at Fort Lauderdale! Emily had never flown before, or seen the ocean, so this is quite the treat for her. I just hope they don't get sunburn.
Saturday evening we went to "The House" which is an emerging-type church in Burnsville on the charismatic side of things. This is Ryan and Emily's home church, so we saw quite a few people that we had met at the wedding that morning. Afterwards, several of us joined together in prayer for baby Emily Grace (Junebug).
Sunday we went to see some friends in Chaska (where we used to live in the Minneapolis area). We had a good time catching up and praying with people from our bible study there. After that, we headed over to another set of friends and prayed with them for healing of their marriage. God broke through, and there was a great time of forgiveness and healing. They had been separated, but after last night, they are back together. We praise God for the restoration and pray that they would continue to walk in forgiveness with one another. By the time that was over, it was a bit late to take the kids back to Clyde and Pat's—we had laid them down to sleep at the last place—so we stayed the rest of the night.
Today, we returned to Clyde and Pat's to the news that Renee had gone into labor on her own late Sunday night. They admitted her Monday morning and broke her water around 10:30 Central time. And that brings us up to date. We don't know anything more yet, but they are expecting a baby girl before evening...
More when I have it.
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