Monday, August 10, 2009

Honest scrap award

Mike at ΕΝ ΕΦΕΣΩ nominated me for the honest scrap meme. I'm not quite sure why it's scrap, but here we go:

"…supposed to tell you 10 HONEST things about myself and then nominate 7 other blogs that I think deserve to receive the Honest Scrap Award."

1. Seems most start out with the vehicle they drive; I drive a 1995 Geo Metro 4 cylinder. It's the only car I have ever purchased new. It gets between 40 and 57 mpg; try finding a new car that is under $15,000 that matches that in the U.S.

2. Continuing in the "normal sequence:" TV? What's that?

3. Now the diversity begins... I was born on the plains of Minnesota, but was raised in northern Wisconsin.

4. I have been married to the same person for 30 years, 11 months, and 29 days (does that work out to August 12, 1978?).

5. I ride my bicycle to work almost every day—11 miles round trip. Yes, even in the winter, and even when it was -20 F last winter :)

6. I once could read about 8 ancient languages; now I struggle with keeping 3 of them up. But, I never got above a "C" in high school English and barely survived my final year of it. I didn't learn English grammar until I took (and taught) Latin.

7. I am an introvert. Before we got married, I would hide in a corner at family gatherings and read a book. Actually, I did it until quite recently.

8. I love gardening and wish I could have a greenhouse.

9. I used to run IT at a company and had something like 10 or so computers on a home network; I would test things there so I wouldn't crash the network at work. My kid's hated it :) I don't currently own a computer, or have Internet access at home...

10. I strongly dislike cell phones. I didn't have one until I needed to get one for conferences at work. It is a prepaid one, and I don't know the number, so don't ask.

Tag yourself...I can't think of anyone right now. Besides, this is my lunch hour, and I want to go read a book and take a nap :)


Unknown said...

I run IT for two companies currently... I completely wish I could get rid of all computers at home and all TV at home. I'm also working on my ancient languages. I've had some education in the traditional Hebrew and Greek.

Mike Aubrey said...

what i'd do for your gas mileage...

Joel and Renée said...

Do you know Sumeric?

jps said...


I think you mean Sumerian. And, no, I never learned it. Akkadian, Hittite, Ugaritic, Aramaic, biblical Hebrew, Syriac, Greek, Latin, but no Sumerian.
