Friday, May 21, 2010


“Land is granted to Achsah, and to Zelophehad’s daughters. Like Rahab, Achsah, for example, responds well to YHWH, showing initiative and boldness, thus exhibiting core Israelite qualities. It should be noted that these character traits need not be opposed to humility, for they are not autonomous qualities exercised in a vacuum. Rather, they express action based on trust in YHWH’s promises and gift. These character traits display what is required to appropriate the gift. The exercise of these qualities and characteristics is shown to lead to blessing and ‘rest’ in the land, whereas the exercise of covetousness, stealing, lying, disobedience and lack of trust in YHWH’s promise and gift is shown to lead to expulsion and death, and to the ‘contamination’ of the community, highlighting the corporate effects of such sin...”—Reading Joshua as Christian Scripture, page 202

<idle musing>
I like the idea that boldness based on trust in YHWH is notopposed to humility. Why do we tend to put humility in the category of wimpy? Not a rhetorical question, by the way...
</idle musing>

1 comment:

Joel and Renée said...

Hi Dad, I didn't read this post. Actually I just wanted to say you need to update your profile pic again!!! Hope you and Mom are doing well. Love, Renee