Friday, June 04, 2010

God fix

"It was great in praise services while I was emotionally high and stimulated. But I confused those feelings of happiness with God's inner joy. I was looking for a permanent high, and I stayed on a high for about six months. I had to attend a lot of meetings to stay up there. I had to stand on my feet long time and sing an awful lot of songs. Everybody did.

"If we would be honest with ourselves, however, most of us were still searching. Because so much of our activity was still involving externals. We were still desperate. We went to those meetings to get something. I wanted to be helped, be blessed, get healed, get delivered. Everybody went with a great need. But we'd leave, stepping right outside those doors, and we still had that need. Deep down we were still saying, 'Where's the life?'"— The Rest of the Gospel: When the partial Gospel has worn you out, pages 20-21

<idle musing>
He still hasn't offered a solution, but he is very good at describing the problem. I know people who are in the position he is describing right now. They need their "God fix" or they are not sure of their standing with God. Hang on until Monday; the solution is coming!
</idle musing>

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