Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dandelions (Tozer for Tuesday)

“See now that ye love one another” (1 Pet. 1:22). Obviously, this love is not a wild plant that will grow of itself. It is there in the heart by a divine planting, but it must be cultivated. Dandelions will grow without cultivation, but love must be cultivated. The human heart must be cultivated; we must work on it. We must pray, search the Word, obey, believe and humble ourselves, opening our minds to the incoming Holy Ghost so that we might cultivate and see that we love one another.—A.W. Tozer, Living as a Christian, 73

<idle musing>
There's a lot to be said for dandelions; they grow anywhere. But, their value is limited, and in a garden they wreak havoc. But that's not the point of what Tozer is saying, is it? An analogy always runs on three feet; if you point out the fourth foot that is missing, it crashes and burns.

So, let's ignore that fourth foot and concentrate on the other three. What Tozer is pointing out is that spiritual growth is a synergistic endeavor.

I can hear you now: "Huh?"

Synergism means working together—you and God. Some theologies claim that monergism—God alone—is how salvation works. There's a small element of truth there: God initiates. It's always God's initiative; don't get that wrong! But, we must respond! That's synergism. Us responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit within us.

Growing in grace is becoming more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit—and responding! Without responding, we become insensitive and stagnant. That's what Tozer means when he says that the human heart must be cultivated.

May we hear, respond in obedience, and rejoice in his love for us!
</idle musing>

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