Friday, February 24, 2023

Does public opinion matter?

Well, yes, and no, so says Malcolm Foley at the Anxious Bench. It didn't seem to stop lynching in the 19th–early 20th century. And it hasn't stopped police brutality in the 21st century. What works? Well, according to Foley (and I think he's correct, sadly) this will:
Lynching did not fade because people stopped being racist; it faded because it became bad for American business. Perhaps the only way that racial violence of any kind will fade is if it becomes profitable for no one.
<idle musing>
If that doesn't tell you the true god of the United States, nothing does. Think back 22 years to 9/11/2001. What did the Taliban target? The Twin Towers (finance) and the Pentatgon (militarism defending the capitalists). That, my dear readers, is very discerning.

May true revival grip our hearts so that we hear the cry of the oppressed. God does and he will judge us accordingly!
</idle musing>

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