Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Tozer for Tuesday

If you are [verbally] abused, think of that fellow abusing you as one of Adam’s ravens: a fallen raven sitting on a dead limb, croaking his displeasure against the spiritual. You can afford to take it. The day will come when God will avenge all of His people, but in the meantime, the raven does not hurt you, it only gets your ear, and your ear is not you. Cursing does not get past your ear unless you let it get past your ear. Suppose the man that curses you gets you to hate him; then you have injured yourself. Suppose the man that persecutes you tempts you to malice; then you have injured yourself. Suppose you carry a sullen spirit in your breast; then you are harmed, but the devil did not do it, you did it. Keep the persecutor out of your bosom, keep hate out of your heart, keep malice out of your spirit and you are as sound as gold and nothing can harm you or get to you.—A.W. Tozer, Living as a Christian, 164

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