Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Jesus as Thou Wilt

167 My Jesus as Thou Wilt

1 My Jesus, as Thou wilt!
   O may Thy will be mine!
   Into Thy hand of love
   I would my all resign.
   Through sorrow or thro' joy,
   Conduct me as Thine own;
   And help me still to say,
   "My Lord, Thy will be done."

2 My Jesus, as Thou wilt!
   Tho' seen thro' many a tear,
   Let not my star of hope
   Grow dim or disappear.
   Since Thou on earth hast wept
   And sorrowed oft alone,
   If I must weep with Thee,
   My Lord, Thy will be done.

3 My Jesus, as Thou wilt!
   All shall be well for me;
   Each changing future scene
   I gladly trust with Thee.
   Straight to my home above
   I travel calmly on,
   And sing, in life or death,
   "My Lord, Thy will be done."
                         Benjamin Schmolck
                         Trans. by Jane Borthwick
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
This hymn, which occurs in over 600 hymnals, was new to me. inserts the following verse after verse 1:

2 My Jesus, as Thou wilt!
   If needy here and poor,
   Give me Thy people's bread,
   Their portion rich and sure.
   The manna of Thy Word
   Let my soul feed upon;
   And if all else should fail,
   My Lord, Thy will be done.
</idle musing>

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