Tuesday, December 17, 2024


There is no ideal economic system because people will always find a way to corrupt any system and abuse others through it. Any system can be operated with integrity or alternatively be used repressively or oppressively. The Torah insisted that God’s people should not abuse people through the system that was in place in their world. The Bible does not call on us to return to an agropastoral economy, and it did not call on them to abolish debt-slavery.—Walton and Walton, The Lost World of the Torah, 141

<idle musing>
Ain't that the truth! I have never understood how people could say that God's endorsed form of economics is capitalism. Yet I have run into it time and time again over the years. I would go a step further than the Waltons do, though, and say that captitalism especially is prone to abuse—especially in our society that has thrown off so many moral restraints against greed and abuse of power.
</idle musing>

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