Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A prayer for writing and checking footnotes!

There's remarkable post today at the Christian Scholar's Review on set liturgical prayers and their value. But the thing that jumped out at me is their prayer for writing footnotes:
A Liturgy for the Writing of Citations

O Lord, you have placed me
in a community of scholars,
working together to explore your world.

As I place commas, periods, and parentheses
Let me see that care and attentiveness
Are attributes of your creativity and grace.

As I take pains to attribute my work aright
Help me be grateful for the labor of others
And see the joy of communal discovery.

You are King of Details, O God.
You send planets swirling in a dangerous dance
Just as you choreograph the cells in my own body.

You have given me this small task to do.
Clear my heart of frustration and boredom.

For annoyance, bring gratitude
For impatience, bring absorbing care

Help me to neither take for granted the work of others
Nor the work of your Son
Nor the work you give me to do in your world.

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