Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Prayer for Strength

55 Prayer for Strength

O God, You have given us life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. You have given us the security of faith in a world that longs for something on which to rely. We thank You for Your gifts to us.

Teach us to stand strong for Your Kingdom: to be free in this world in order to be Christ’s men and women.

Help us to know Your love and the love of each other. Set us free to become our true selves because we are loved, and to free others because we love.

Give us enough tests to make us strong;
enough vision and endurance to follow Your way;
enough patience to persist when the going is difficult;
enough of reality to know our weaknesses;
and enough humility to know these gifts come from You.

Go before us to prepare the way;
walk behind us to be our protection;
and walk beside us to be our companion,

through Christ our Lord, Amen.
—Richard Langfold
Hymns for the Family of God

<idle musing>
The portion of the hymnal I'm reading through right now is entitle Comfort. Seems appropriate in light of the wholesale destruction of everything that going on right now. Perhaps it's time to pull out Augustine's City of God to get a bit of perspective!
</idle musing>

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