Friday, February 28, 2025

Not interested!

But their patriotism has nothing whatever to do with power politics or “ideological” warfare. It is more akin to family loyalty, and actually it gives one a valuable clue to the attitude of ordinary people, especially the huge untouched block of the middle class and the better-off working class. These people are patriotic to the middle of their bones, but they do not feel that what happens in foreign countries is any of their business. When England is in danger they rally to its defense as a matter of course but in between times they are not interested.—George Orwell, A Collection of Essays, 294

<idle musing>
I know he's talking about the British of the 1930s–1940s, but I suspect it transfers to just about any country at anytime. I'm pretty sure it's true of the US right now—which explains why Dear Leader™ can get away with all this garbage right now...

Just an
</idle musing>

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