Tuesday, February 21, 2023

I'll take Anglo-Saxon for Clarity, Alex (Tozer for Tuesday)

The most cultured and healthy parents cannot take the word “die” out of their baby’s heart. Love it, weep on it and baptize it with their tears all they will, they cannot take the word “mortality” out of their baby’s life, for mortality and corruption remain. They follow, like some dark shadow, every human being. These twin clouds, mortality and corruption, rest about the perfumed boudoir of every Hollywood actress. They rest like twin clouds of doom above the chair of the White House where sits our president. And wherever men are found, if we could only see, we would see these two weeping clouds above them—mortality and corruption. “Mortality” and “corruption” are beautiful words; but when we throw the Anglo-Saxon at them and say “die” and “rot,” these are not so beautiful.—A.W. Tozer, Living as a Christian, 78

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