Thursday, April 13, 2023

Original sin?

The concept of original sin is alien to Jewish tradition. We do not inherit the sins of our fathers, even though we may be made to endure their punishment. Guilt cannot be transmitted. We are linked to Adam only by his memory, which becomes our own, and by his death, which foreshadows our own. Not by his sin.—Elie Wiesel, Messengers of God, 30

<idle musing>
I picked up this book at our local used bookstore. It was on the discount cart for $1.00. I more than got my money's worth. I'm only going to cherry pick a few choice paragraphs from it, but if you ever see a copy, it would be worth your trouble to pick it up. It's not very common in libraries, but I think you can find one at the Internet Archive. Not sure if they still allow you to check it out, what with the court ruling (we won't get into that travesty of justice right now!).

OI, that aside, I find this view of Adam very interesting and have been leaning that way more and more. Once you remove the strongly Augustinian and Reformer-heavy views of the Bible, it seems to be the plain reading of the text. Having said that, there is a lot to be said for the idea of original sin—just remove all the sexual transmission stuff from it.
</idle musing>

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