Thursday, September 07, 2023

But, there is a caveat

Nonetheless, we should not make the mistake of thinking that the underlying principles are any more prescriptive than the laws themselves. Walter Kaiser, for example, proposes what he calls a principalizing model of hermeneutics, wherein a particular command is analyzed for its underlying (moral) principle, which is then extrapolated into a timeless moral truth, which can then be applied specifically to any given circumstance. The methodology of this approach is flawed.— The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest, 93

<idle musing>
They then go on for four or so pages explaining why. I'm not going to summarize those here. If you are really interested, I suggest either buying the book (the link above goes directly to the publisher and I don't get a commission) or checking it out of your local library (if they don't have it, you can use interlibrary loan).

I'm not sure how convinced I am by their arguments. Maybe that's why I'm not going to summarize them?
</idle musing>

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