Monday, March 06, 2006

Yet more from The Training of the Twelve

Another gem from The Training of the Twelve , he is discoursing on Jesus' upcoming death by crucifixion and he says:

“The prince of this world has found none of his spirit in Him, and for that very reason is going to crucify Him. But by that proceeding Satan will not nullify, but rather seal His victory. Outward defeat by worldly power will be but the index and measure of His spiritual conquest. The world itself knows well that putting Him to death is the second best way of overcoming Him. His enemies would have been much better pleased if they had succeeded in intimidating or bribing Him into compromise. The ungodly powers of the world always prefer corruption to persecution as a means of getting rid of truth and righteousness; only after failing in attempts to debauch conscience and make men venal, do the have recourse to violence.”

<idle musing>
Interesting and very true observation. Compromise is what the world desires, singleness of intention is what God wants. True then, true now.
</idle musing>

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