Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Union-life with Christ

Joel at Grace Roots has a good post on living by rules, regulations, and principles:

To translate this into life in Christ, I feel that by trying to train the flesh through countless rules, laws, methods, principles, restrictions, disciplines, etc, the modern church has stifled the true living out of the wild (unfettered, free) life that God created us to live.  The teachers and preachers of all this may even have the best of intentions, but the best of intentions will never change the fact that we live from our union-life with God, not from a list of do's and don'ts and from our attempts to live by principles for good Christian living.

He then notes that this had happened in his marriage:

 I really wanted to be all those good things for my wife.  And so my focus slowly changed from pure devotion to my wife to my own fleshly attempts to try to be a good husband, and the result was that over and over again, I found that I could do "good" for a while, but ultimately I would fail at living up to being the good husband I wanted to be.

<idle musing>
As we turn our eyes away from the source of life, Jesus, we begin to try on our own. When that happens, it is inevitable that we will begin to fall—it's all we can do in our own strength! We live “from our union-life with God” and only from that union!
</idle musing>

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