Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Lonely road

Isn't it amazing how the Bible gets interpreted these days, marrying law and grace? I used to do it. So did the Judaizers 2000 years ago. But Paul withstood their teaching with his life. He knew that marrying law and grace would always be the death knell for the complete gospel: Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Few in Paul's day understood that you can't marry law and grace. Few today understand it. As a result, it can be a lonely life out there without the law. It isn't the easiest path, to walk in oneness with God, because no one ever sees Him. Yet you are believing that He lives in you, and that your body is a temple of the living God, and you, like Jesus say, “I just do what I hear from the Father.” And you are going to live like that? There won't be many Christians around you affirming that kind of walk. But the Spirit will affirm it.— The Rest of the Gospel: When the partial Gospel has worn you out, pages 146-147

<idle musing>
Wasn't there an old Spiritual like that? Something like, "Jesus walked this lonesome valley..." I can't remember the words, but the tune is rumbling around in my head...
</idle musing>

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