Monday, October 07, 2019

Read this. And weep.

I don't care which side of the political mess you are in, you need to read this:

Sure, it's long, but read it without taking your presuppositions in (either side) and then make a decision.

Of course, I doubt that any will change their minds. Why do I think that? Because I started reading Ezekiel today, and I suspect that it pretty much describes the "court evangelicals" and the remaining 82% of white evangelicals who voted for the current ruler.

Read the first couple of chapters of Ezekiel, and maybe throw in a bit of Jeremiah, and then read this in Romans 2:24:

As it is written: The name of God is discredited by the Gentiles because of you. (quoting from Isa 52:5 LXX)
Revival? More like deep delusion. Remember, judgment begins in the house of God and the first step in revival is always repentance...

Those of you who are Dispensationalists, take a look at the current ruler and ask yourselves if maybe he doesn't fit the role you've given to far too many others. Then ask yourself why you are following him.

And while you're thinking, maybe take a look at a few of those scripture verses that talk about caring for others and dying to self. You don't need to become a "progressive" (whatever that's supposed to mean) to care for the downtrodden. On the contrary, the longest running revival that I'm aware of was the Wesleyan revival in the 18th century, which was all about caring for the physical as well as spiritual needs of the poor and downcast. It wasn't popular among the upper class—real Christianity rarely is, after all, who wants to die to self? Especially when that means giving up what you hold dear to you? Not without reason did Jesus say it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom!

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