Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Tozer for Tuesday

This is what happened when you were converted. You were made worthy to be a partaker in the inheritance. You were not worthy, but God made you worthy; and when God makes anybody worthy, it is so. You have been forgiven, so act like it. “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou unclean” (Acts 11:8). If God cleanses you of anything, you do no one any good by lying down like a whipped spaniel. So get up and thank God that you have been made worthy to be one of His children, delivered out of the power of darkness, and redeemed through His blood.—A.W. Tozer, Reclaiming Christianity, 23

<idle musing>
No defeated Christianity for this guy! We aren't just forgiven sinners! We are cleansed saints who have been delivered from darkness! That was Tozer's continual cry and heartbeat. Would that it were more common!

I'm sick of reading books that talk about us as miserable sinners with no hope. That's not biblical Christianity! Romans 8 isn't meant for the hereafter. It's meant to be lived in now. Claim your inheritance in Christ and live in the victory that he provides!
</idle musing>

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